Atlanta Job Fair - 5 Things To Remember
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Atlanta Job Fair is coming up on Tuesday, August 3rd and here at the, we want to make sure that you are ready to have a great event and get into the door with great employers where you can share your talents and skills.
To ensure that you will have the best opportunity to succeed at the job fair, here are 5 things to remeber:
Bring an updated and relevant resume. If you are looking for hospitality positions, be sure to create your resume to appeal to hospitality companies. Include previous employers, references and an opening statement that appeals to the hospitality crowd. Create multiple resumes if necessary.
Ensure that you have complete contact information. This includes a phone number, address and a proper email address. The email is very important here, so be sure that you have access to your email on a regular basis and that your email address is a professional one. No more Sign up for GMail and get
Dress with confidence and above your desired position. Just because cooks wear t-shirts and jeans, doesn't mean that you should while attending this job fair. Get on your best attire and make a strong first impression. If in doubt, always dress up, never down.
Do your pre-event research. Check out the companies that are attending and get some background on them. Use Google, Facebook and LinkedIn to see what the company does and how you can bring value to their organization. For more on this topic, check out a video that explains more - Job Fair Research.
Leave your friends and your cell phone on silent. Yes, I said to leave your friends on silent. While it is okay to come to the Atlanta Job Fair with a friend, family member or colleague, when approaching employers be sure to approach alone so that you give and are given the maximum amount of attention from a recruiter. Get your questions answered and show off yourself to the best of your ability. Also, put the cell phone away. There is nothing recruiters peev more than talking to a candidate only to have them checking their texts and Facebook statuses.
I hope these tips are helpful to you as you get ready for the Atlanta Job Fair. We are working hard to deliver great employers that are happily hiring here in Atlanta.
To register for the job fair, please visit the Atlanta Employment Guide.
If you are a company that wants to take advantage of the great talent that comes to one of our events, please contact your local Employment Guide representative or call 800-272-3452 or email
We look forward to seeing you on August 3rd!
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