Economy Affects Everyone

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Photo by: NJ1012

Politicians are all over the place right now. Every corner you turn the news covers health care, economic crisis, and to the most recent news on the death of the Schaefers. I don’t know what is occurring right now, but I have a feeling that things are about to get worse in the news/political world.

However, I choose to write this not because it has anything to do with politicians, but because it hits close to home for me. It really does hit close to home-Habersham County-a place where I was born and raised. I never paid attention to much of the media that occurred or the fact that they, Schaefer family, lives down the road in the same town. People of that status, higher on the totem pole, act like as if they are better than everyone else. It’s amazing to me to see how people live and regardless of the media, fame, or exposure they may receive they too are humans. Most tend to forget and think they are untouchable. This family, specifically Nancy, was involved in the community and acted like…normal civilians. They did not forget about the little people or worry about just making the money and not listening to the people. She stood for what she believed in and was there to make to a difference. Maybe, that is the reason why I disregarded this family from the category “higher status.”

Regardless, of what “category” or “status” you may have, it does not matter. Any amount of money that one may accumulate over time runs out and then you too, become infected by the economic disease. In the four page note that Bruce Schaefer left behind, there was a hint of financial problem…now how could that be? It goes to show that even those that are successful have problems too, they are human.

Talk to those that you know that are having problems and see if you can help. If our country can afford to help victims overseas, we can certainly afford to help our own victims.

-Khon Phaxai


Update on March 22 Job Fair at Fabulous Fox Theatre

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quick update for those that did not get the chance to attend our job fair at the Fabulous Fox Theatre; it was great. For the vendors that were present you are very much appreciated and Thank You!

It was the kickoff for the AARP in collaboration with us, EmploymentGuide, and Along with the job fair were seminars on Branding Yourself and a Dress for Success Fashion Show on what to wear and what not to wear. With many different programs occurring at once, being the kickoff, everything went smoothly and with many more AARP collaborations to follow we are looking forward to better events and more attendees. AARP itself drove roughly 1200 seekers and around 1300 from EmploymentGuide…giving us a grand total of some 3000 jobseekers. Considering the weather conditions that presented itself in our spring…we deem the event a success.

As for me…What can I say? It was definitely a different experience for me. Why? Well, you probably figure that since you are reading this blog…I’ve attended job fairs. Yes, I have attended job fairs but on the other end of things, as a jobseeker. So I know how, you-the seeker, were feeling. I really hope for the 3000 jobseekers that attended that each of you got something useful out of it.

Preparing for the event was fun and required a lot of work. I give two thumbs up for those that take the time to pull together job fairs year after year. I did not realize the time and efforts involved. I have now been on the other side of the fence. I was present at the job fair. Did you stop by and see me at the Internet Café? The purpose of the whole café was to help those that needed help in searching the internet for jobs, register, upload resumes, and signing up for job alerts. It was pretty interesting. Once again, thank you for all of those that joined us.

If you have any suggestions on how we can make the next job fair, in collaboration with the AARP, or any of our job fairs a better event/environment for you…send me an email. I want to hear what you have to say…let me hear it.

Again, thank you to all of those that were present at the Fox Theatre-jobseekers, workers, helpers, vendors, media/press.

If you were not able to make it don’t fret because we are having the next job fair in Marietta at Dave & Buster’s May 4th. Followed by the August 3rd event with our very own Atlanta Dream women’s basketball team at the Philip’s Arena. We hope to see you there!


Color Me Green

Monday, March 15, 2010

Photo by:

I like the color green and I am all about saving the world. Alright, maybe that isn’t possible, but at least help the environment from getting any worse than it is already. I reuse and recycle. Think about it do you enjoy living next to a land field? No. Do you enjoy the pollution? No. There is nothing good coming out of that, it only increases health problems.

Lucky for us we don’t have much to worry about anymore, or do we? The Government back in 2006 introduced to the world the “Green Collar Job(s).” Yes, Green Collar Job(s). Have you not heard of it yet? No worries. We have the two major employment sectors that we are all aware of: Blue Collar jobs are those involved with manual labor. White Collar jobs are those salary paid jobs. Green Collar Jobs are to help clean up the environment, and control global warming. Isn’t that cool? Many would be employed and stress free by the year 2025 which we will have generated over 5 million green jobs. Although, there is still much confusion as to what makes a Green Collar job and who qualifies. Those that are a part of the Blue Collar workforce are dancing on borderline fence of Green Collar. As explained by a Democratic candidate, Phil Angelides from California, those that fall in the Blue Collar labor force like building vehicles could be a Green Collar if they are building Hybrids. Blue to Green Collar. There is still so much that needs to be explained for people to truly understand Green Collar. The best example would be Solar Power Housing; they are truly helping the environment.

In everything there is always a catch, and there is definitely a catch to Green Collar jobs. Not everyone qualifies for these jobs. That is correct. Green Collar aims to help at-risk youth, people with criminal records, the chronically unemployed and those for whom English is a second language, said Mr. McDermott an assistant to the chairman at Consortium for Worker Education (CWE). There are many that are questioning this Green Collar …is it really helping the workforce? It is unclear if Green will only benefit those of low-income or if it will improve the environment. Just keep in mind that because it is an environmentally friendly job, it doesn’t mean that it’s a stable wage job.

This is really something we need to consider…it could create millions of jobs between now and the year 2030 or really hurt us in the long run.

What is your opinion on the Green Collar? Is it really Green or just another name for Blue Collar?

-Khon Phaxai


Entrepreneur: Is It Right for You?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Photo by: Alex Osterwalder

 You have been following me and what I have been writing about? That is just awesome! Thank you for the support and paying attention. Today continued from our previous topic “Capitalism” I am going to continue on “Entrepreneur.” I love that word, it makes you feel smart and like you are doing something.

Do you have a clue what “Entrepreneur” means? By classic dictionary definition you will get, “One who starts a business or other venture that promises economic gain but that also entails risks.” By everyday people definition, like me, would say, “You own a business.” Simple? Nope. Running your own business is not easy. It does entail risks and the venture is to bring economic gain (or simply make money). I wanted to own a business and maybe some day I will, if I ever have any money. It takes time and for those in the business world-they understand that time is money.

Before you get started, make sure you are researching the whole nine yards. As a business person you will be playing on both ends on the field, the buying and selling side. It’s very important to know what the demands are in the area that you wish to pursue your business. The Buyers control the demand of what is needed/bought. Sellers control the supply of what is to be sold. Those, typically, in the business are quick to pick up on what’s occurring around the them-style, trend, and media. All very important factors. You have to think about all the responsibilities: writing your job descriptions-so you can find the right candidates, keeping up with the Department of Labor-as changes take places you must be aware of them, salary and wages-knowing your bank information and the list goes on and on. There are steps you can take.

After you are running your business and feeling good about yourself-don’t let anything bring you down, although you have to be realistic. Keep a positive attitude. Besides, who wants to walk into a place that doesn’t have a pleasant atmosphere? As time passes it gets harder and harder to keep track what’s happening…make sure you keep records of all inventory, expenses, and accounts payable/receivable. Come up with a program that will help you, if not then you could be lost in paperwork and a huge mess, but luckily there are accountants out there that can help you keep track. Doing so will help you manage your cash flow. Money is one of the many important factors you have to calculate.

It may sound like a headache, indeed it could be, but if it’s your dream to own and operate a business, then by all means do so. Keep in mind that just because you are good at sells, doesn’t mean running a business is for you.

-Khon Phaxai



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Photo by: ndot

It’s so pretty outside and the week has started off great. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean as far as the weather goes. The clear blue sky, windows down, radio on, and the sun shining in, etc., it gives you a good reason to want to be out, doesn’t it? I think most of us would agree.

Now, think about a few months from now; clear blue sky, radio on, sun shining in and windows up with the A/C blasting. Wow, do you really want to be out then especially in The Car, after a long days work?

It’s such a hard decision to make and we can argue about it all day long because…we all have an opinion, some more than others. Seriously, for those that commute to work, like I do, could you bare it? How far is too far to commute for work? There are more people commuting to work now, of course more than ever because of all the expansions: highways, interstates, suburbs, etc. I think that it has practically, become Mandatory to commute to work. By the word, ‘commute’ I don’t just mean jumping in your car, on your motorcycle and what not but even the bus, Marta, taxi; it’s all a form of commuting. In the case of automobiles it also causes pollution, but I’m not talking about that today. I want to know how you feel about commuting to work.

Atlanta has one of the worse traffics in the nation and we spend most of our grown up life in the car, how sad is that? We don’t realize it, but we do. Ranking first on the list for wasting time in the vehicle is, Los Angeles. Second, of course is Atlanta. So tell me how much longer you’re willing to sacrifice your life in the nations second ranked cities. How far is too far of a commute?

-Khon Phaxai



Monday, March 1, 2010

Photo by maistora

On the way in to work this morning while sitting in traffic and listening to the radio a certain word struck interest to me, “Capitalism.” This led me to my topic, Capitalism. Do we all know what the meaning of this word is or where it originated from? Not many have a clue. You may be asking yourself, “What relevance does this have to do with work or the economy?” Truth in the matter, those that are in the business world knows it has a lot to do with how the world functions.

Capitalism according to the European Enlightenment Glossary: "capitalism" means more than just a body of social practices easily applied across geographical and historical distances, it is also a "way of thinking." If you have not yet understood this term, an earlier term for capitalism was known as mercantilism, distributing goods to different sites and locations, selling at higher prices to make a profit. Are you following me now?

Stores, retailers, owners-everybody buys and sells to make a profit. Making a profit is the only way to survive, money. Smart investors will have an outcome and be able to give back to the community. Understand that we live a capitalistic world. Everything that occurs in the world, in our market, and our lives strives on the market and wealth of our economy. As we can all say right now, the market has taken a downturn and trying to recover from the fall? Yes, recovery is a struggle, but we must remain positive. Being a capitalistic world, there are several that are striving to own and brand themselves in the world; becoming successful. The one common interest in a “profit world” is the idea of economic growth. When I say “them,” I mean entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs’ have thoughts and ideas that are rationally calculated towards the future. In order for us to pick up and run like before there has to always be room for growth and improvement-so don’t be so negative about this recession; it’s opening doors for others-entrepreneurship and us as the customers. Without having opinions and different “ways of thinking” there wouldn’t be a diversified world, now would there?

Think about it; how many people do you know own a business? Next topic will cover Entrepreneur.

-Khon Phaxai



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