
Monday, March 1, 2010

Photo by maistora

On the way in to work this morning while sitting in traffic and listening to the radio a certain word struck interest to me, “Capitalism.” This led me to my topic, Capitalism. Do we all know what the meaning of this word is or where it originated from? Not many have a clue. You may be asking yourself, “What relevance does this have to do with work or the economy?” Truth in the matter, those that are in the business world knows it has a lot to do with how the world functions.

Capitalism according to the European Enlightenment Glossary: "capitalism" means more than just a body of social practices easily applied across geographical and historical distances, it is also a "way of thinking." If you have not yet understood this term, an earlier term for capitalism was known as mercantilism, distributing goods to different sites and locations, selling at higher prices to make a profit. Are you following me now?

Stores, retailers, owners-everybody buys and sells to make a profit. Making a profit is the only way to survive, money. Smart investors will have an outcome and be able to give back to the community. Understand that we live a capitalistic world. Everything that occurs in the world, in our market, and our lives strives on the market and wealth of our economy. As we can all say right now, the market has taken a downturn and trying to recover from the fall? Yes, recovery is a struggle, but we must remain positive. Being a capitalistic world, there are several that are striving to own and brand themselves in the world; becoming successful. The one common interest in a “profit world” is the idea of economic growth. When I say “them,” I mean entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs’ have thoughts and ideas that are rationally calculated towards the future. In order for us to pick up and run like before there has to always be room for growth and improvement-so don’t be so negative about this recession; it’s opening doors for others-entrepreneurship and us as the customers. Without having opinions and different “ways of thinking” there wouldn’t be a diversified world, now would there?

Think about it; how many people do you know own a business? Next topic will cover Entrepreneur.

-Khon Phaxai


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