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Atlanta Job Fair Sponsor - The Atlanta Dream
Friday, July 30, 2010
To find out more about the Dream and their contribution to the Atlanta community, we caught up with Sprague Paynter, the Dream's Community and Public Relations Manager. Take a look at what she had to say below and be sure to be one of the first 500 job seekers at the event to receive a FREE ticket to an Atlanta Dream game this season.
AtlantaEG: What are some of the Dream's goals as far as community involvement and giving back to the city of Atlanta?
Sprague: Community involvement is integral to the success of the WNBA and the Dream. Owner Kathy Betty’s vision is to win on and off the court. The ability that a sports franchise has to positively impact the community was one of the main reasons she decided to purchase the team, and our players are totally committed to giving back to the city and making a connection with fans not just at the game, but touching lives off the court as well.
AtlantaEG: On August 3rd, the Atlanta Dream is sponsoring a job fair, which can have a great impact on the community and help people get back on their feet. What were some of the reasons you felt compelled your organization to partner on something like this?
Sprague: Unemployment is an unfortunate reality for a lot of people in this economy. As an organization, it’s important that we help get people back on their feet that are in between jobs and seeking opportunities. Part of being a true part of the community is investing in people, so hopefully we can help turn some people’s lives around.
AtlantaEG: As part of an organization that inspires people, young and old, can you tell us a little about the experience you deliver at one of your home games?
Sprague: The Dream has a great on-court product, but we also take pride in our entire game experience. Atlanta Dream games are a great entertainment option because we offer affordable ticket prices and a family-friendly interactive game experience. We have a diverse audience, so we deliver an experience that appeals to everyone. From our “Dream Supremes” senior dance team to postgame free throws every Sunday for youth, we have something for everyone!
AtlantaEG: For those looking for more information on the Dream, where can we find you online?
Sprague: Fans can visit our official website at or join us on Facebook and Twitter.
AtlantaEG: After the job fair on the 3rd, what does the Atlanta Dream home schedule look like?
Sprague: The Dream has four remaining home games—Tuesday, August 10 vs. Seattle at 7 pm; Friday, August 13 vs. New York at 7 pm; Tuesday, August 17 vs. Chicago at 7 pm and Sunday, August 22 vs. Washington at 3 pm. Right now, the Dream is among the top teams in the Eastern Conference, but the stretch of games in August will definitely be important as the playoff race heats up!
Pre-Register For the August 3rd Atlanta Job Fair
If you have not pre-registered for the job fair, I suggest you head on over to the Atlanta Employment Guide and get registered today.
While you are on the page, check out all the hiring companies that will be at the event looking for people just like you to join their organizations.
See you all on the 3rd at Philips Arena. Read more...
Atlanta Job Fair - Live Interview Tips
Thursday, July 29, 2010
As we continue to prepare for the Atlanta Job Fair, on Tuesday, August 3rd, we wanted to prepare you for the best chance of landing a position with a company that can not only bring in the paycheck, but also involve a career that you are passionate about.
Today, I wanted to share 5 interview questions that you should be prepared to answer at the Atlanta Job Fair. At the event, you will be meeting and talking to recruiters nd employers who are looking for people to stand out amongst the hundreds of job seekers that pass by their booth. Having strong and confident answers to the following questions can give you a competitive advantage over other Atlanta job seekers.
So your homework today is to jot down these questions, create compelling answers and practice saying them into your mirror. It may sound silly, but if you are sitting at a new desk next week, you wiil know that your preparation payed off!
5 Top Interview Questions To Answer And Study:
- Tell Me About Yourself...
- What Are Your Strengths?
- What Are Your Weaknesses?
- What Skills Do You Have That Would Benefit Our Company?
- What Questions Do You Have About Our Company?
For more information on answering the last question, check out this video on researching employers.
And if you haven't yet, please register for the Atlanta Job Fair! Read more...
Atlanta Job Fair - 5 Things To Remember
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Atlanta Job Fair is coming up on Tuesday, August 3rd and here at the, we want to make sure that you are ready to have a great event and get into the door with great employers where you can share your talents and skills.
To ensure that you will have the best opportunity to succeed at the job fair, here are 5 things to remeber:
Bring an updated and relevant resume. If you are looking for hospitality positions, be sure to create your resume to appeal to hospitality companies. Include previous employers, references and an opening statement that appeals to the hospitality crowd. Create multiple resumes if necessary.
Ensure that you have complete contact information. This includes a phone number, address and a proper email address. The email is very important here, so be sure that you have access to your email on a regular basis and that your email address is a professional one. No more Sign up for GMail and get
Dress with confidence and above your desired position. Just because cooks wear t-shirts and jeans, doesn't mean that you should while attending this job fair. Get on your best attire and make a strong first impression. If in doubt, always dress up, never down.
Do your pre-event research. Check out the companies that are attending and get some background on them. Use Google, Facebook and LinkedIn to see what the company does and how you can bring value to their organization. For more on this topic, check out a video that explains more - Job Fair Research.
Leave your friends and your cell phone on silent. Yes, I said to leave your friends on silent. While it is okay to come to the Atlanta Job Fair with a friend, family member or colleague, when approaching employers be sure to approach alone so that you give and are given the maximum amount of attention from a recruiter. Get your questions answered and show off yourself to the best of your ability. Also, put the cell phone away. There is nothing recruiters peev more than talking to a candidate only to have them checking their texts and Facebook statuses.
I hope these tips are helpful to you as you get ready for the Atlanta Job Fair. We are working hard to deliver great employers that are happily hiring here in Atlanta.
To register for the job fair, please visit the Atlanta Employment Guide.
If you are a company that wants to take advantage of the great talent that comes to one of our events, please contact your local Employment Guide representative or call 800-272-3452 or email
We look forward to seeing you on August 3rd!
Atlanta Job Fair Comes To Phillips Arena August 3rd
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Atlanta Job Fair On August 3rd May Be The ‘Dream’ Community Members Need In Today’s Job Market
The Atlanta Employment Guide, along with, the AARP and the Atlanta Dream, are coming together on Tuesday, August 3rd, in an effort to showcase local employers and resources that are committed to driving the local Atlanta job market and economy back into a prosperous time.
The Job Fair, to be held at the Phillips Arena from 2pm-5pm, is open to job seekers of all ages. Through the support of the AARP, there will be additional resources and branding workshops that will be teaching job seekers how to be brand themselves at 50+. This initiative is part of a partnership between the, and the AARP entitled “Helping Experience Work@50+.”
Employers that are looking to add team members are to call 800-272-3452 or email for more information.
Job seekers can pre-register for the event by going to the official Atlanta Job Fair page.
Participating employers include:
- Phillips Arena
- Krystal
- Javelin Technical Training Center
- Flu Buster
- Verizon Wireless
- Gwinnett County
- HealthPort
- Contemporary Services
- Onyx Equity Traders
- The City of East Point Georgia
- WellStar
- Aaron’s
- Titlemax
- United Education Institute
- Elite Marketing Group
- University of Phoenix
- National Guard
- Department of Labor
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs
- Waffle House
- Domino's Pizza
- Care Improvement Plus
- Add your name here by calling 800-272-3452
To throw in a little extra incentive, the Atlanta Dream is offering the 1st 500 job seekers at the event free tickets to a future basketball game this summer.
Over the next few weeks check back at the Atlanta JobSpot for more tips and resources to prepare yourself for the next big Atlanta event that can get you back to work and back on your feet!
-Greg and the Atlanta Employment Guide Team
Presenting a Consistent Image During Your Job Search
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Today we have a great guest post by Jessica Holbrook Hernandez. Jessica is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author, and presenter. You can find out more about her and her career tips at’s an old adage in communication: “Tell the audience what you’re going to tell them, then tell them, and then tell them what you told them.” In other words, preview, present, and review. The objective of this communication strategy is to make sure your message gets across. While saying something five times may seem redundant to you, you can be sure that it will stick in the mind of your listener.
The Preview: Your Resume
During your job search, your resume serves as the preview of who you are as an employee and what you have to offer a company. Your resume should include a summary of your accomplishments and a branding statement that sets you apart. Regardless of the specific focus of your resume, you want to be sure that you’re presenting the same image at other times during your job search as well.
The Presentation: Your Interview
An effective resume induces an employer to call you in for an interview. It can be helpful to review the resume you submitted to an employer prior to your face-to-face meeting or phone call with them. This way, the information you’ve already presented will be fresh in your mind. You can use the information summarized on your resume to relate to specific qualifications for the job and to discuss your previous accomplishments in more detail. However, you don’t want to just repeat the existing summary on your resume—the employer is interviewing you because he wants to know more.
The Review: Your Thank You Note
After meeting with or talking by telephone to an employer, a professional thank you note can serve to remind the employer of why you’re a particularly outstanding candidate. You want to use language consistent with that of your resume and the accomplishments you discussed during your interview. You may choose to actually include your branding statement at the top of the letter, or you can incorporate the language from the statement throughout the body of the note. Usually, the interviewer will have spoken with multiple other candidates by the time he receives your thank you letter, so the letter serves to remind him of your resume and interview conversation.
Your online presence
One final consideration is whether any information you have online, such as a LinkedIn profile, is consistent with the information presented throughout your job search. An employer may look you up online during the “preview” stage, before he ever meets you, or he might look you up in the “review” stage when he’s trying to decide between several candidates. Since you don’t have control over this part of your job search, it’s important that your message be consistent throughout all the phases of finding your new job.
Remember: preview, present, and review. Presenting a consistent message will help you stick out in the minds of employers who meet you!
Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.
Related Articles:
From The Eyes Of Someone Looking At Your Resume
Having Consistency When Looking For A Job
Stop Procrastinating - Get A Job Today
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We all do it. If you think you don't you're either lying or really, really efficient!
I'm talking about procrastination. You know, getting to that big project tomorrow. Or updating your resume later. Checking email but telling yourself you will reply to them later.
When you are looking for a job this becomes an alarming problem. Procrastinating on updating your resume can cost you a job. Procrastinating on walking into that business, putting it off a day or two means that your peers (who are essentially your competition) are going to beat you to the punch.
Beating procrastination isn't easy. If we didn't want to push this off till later we wouldn't need DVR's to watch LOST or Grey's Anatomy.
In a recent video post, we talked about having persistence during your job search. This is one step towards beating the procrastination bug. Learning from your past successes and failures can help to build your confidence and momentum that will have you up and back on the prowl in no time.
But for some, it's just not that easy. Over on the "On The Job Blog" by 43 Things, author Anita talks about some of the ways you can overcome procrastination that can be applied to both on the job and on the job hunt:
Most people don’t like to admit they put off tasks they need to get done. After all, no boss is going to be overjoyed to hear such news, and neither will co-workers whose own productivity can be impacted when you don’t pull your weight at work. And yet, it’s sometimes easier than ever to procrastinate, especially when you have so many more enjoyable things at your fingertips – such as the Internet.
...if you find yourself checking out Twitter when you’re supposed to be completing a boring report, tell yourself, “I know this report isn’t fun, but by getting it done I’ll make my boss happy and that means I’ll keep my job – and my paycheck will help me take care of my family.”
Sounds simple enough but we all know sometimes our mind can be stronger than our will power. That's why there are power tools - like saws and drills that you can apply to your life that help whip you into shape and get back on track.
Some of these tools are technology based, such as Rescue Time and Workrave.
Rescue Time is a web based application that keeps track of the things you do online. This can really help with procrastination when you get your report and see that you spent 5 hours browsing pictures on Facebook and only 10 minutes on the looking for jobs!
It also allows you to voluntarily block sites when your brain wants you to get off track to say head over to check out ESPN or something. Here is a cool intro video
Workrave is almost the opposite. It is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.
This is great for those that may be extremely focused on writing your resume or cover letter and need a break to re-focus. Workrave will give you a nice overall picture of when you should take your breaks and get you into a groove that is healthy.
Offline Procrastination Tools
One of the oldest tricks of the trade is using a stop watch in intervals of 40 minutes on, 15 minutes off. During these 15 minutes you should have some water, take a walk, stretch or engage yourself in activities that make your laugh or smile.
With today's technology much of this can be done on your cell phone.
The goal is to find your comfort zone, get in the groove and STOP Procrastinating. Remember the difference between still looking at sitting in the interview chair when faced with similar candidates is the one who is faster, has great follow up and follows directions.
Happy hunting Atlanta and let us know what you think of the tips and tools in the comments below.
The Doorbell is Dead
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Today we have a guest post by Ed Muzio, author of Make Work Great: Supercharge Your Team, Reinvent the Culture, and Gain Influence -- One Person at a Time.Literally, my doorbell is dead. It’s one of those battery operated wireless ones. I think it got some water in it, and it doesn’t work. Plus, my front door is fifteen feet behind a locked gate, so there’s no way to knock. Conventional wisdom says, if you drop by my house unannounced, you’re not getting in. It’s been this way for over a year and it has yet to be a problem.
I should perhaps be embarrassed by this, but I recently realized why it really doesn’t matter, while giving a friend a ride across town. When my car stopped in front of our destination – a relative’s house – my friend stepped out of the car, thanked me, and immediately initiated a cell phone call. As she was putting her phone away, the front door cracked open and she strolled in, carefree user of the new-age doorbell.
That’s why nobody has yet complained about mine: nobody uses it anyway! Figuratively as well, the doorbell is dead. And its death has bigger implications to our daily lives than many of us care to consider.
There’s a reason we call this the information age, and it’s not because we’re all so much smarter. It’s because we all have access to so much information, at our fingertips, all the time. I can track my package, check the status of my flight, and monitor my stock portfolio or my company’s financial status, all in a second, all with a click. I’m more informed than anyone in my position in history has ever been. And yet, being so informed has not made my life easier. If anything, I think I’m probably busier than a counterpart in my position would have been 20 years ago.
For one thing, I’m constantly doing things like checking the status of my packages and my flights! That didn’t used to be an option, but now that it is, it seems foolish not to avail myself of it. Why in the world would I choose to be uninformed, when it’s so easy to rectify my ignorance by learning exactly which city my all-important box is traversing at the moment?
Worse yet, everyone now has the expectation of immediacy. At times it feels like I’m fielding client questions and queries day and night, all of whom expect an instant answer. I pride myself on customer service, but it can be a challenge! If you supplement “client” with “customer,” “manager,” or “stockholder,” I’ve probably described your job too.
And it’s not just business contacts. Some loved ones have also come to expect an instantaneous reply when they call. I vividly recall a time when I returned calls to friends and family after I got home for the evening, or if it was a particularly long day, the following evening. Now, the calls come into my cell phone at all hours. If I don’t respond within a few hours, I end up on the receiving end of a concerned and vaguely annoyed follow-up call: “didn’t you get my message? I thought you would call me back over lunch.”
The problem is, my capacity for handling information has not expanded commensurately with the information explosion. I still have only two hands, only two ears, only two eyes, and only one brain. I may read a few hundred more emails per day than I used to, but I don’t read them a few hundred times faster. And my decision-making capacities still have limits as to how much information they can incorporate. For better or worse, I’m still just human.
And you, my friend, are in the same boat as I am. Admit it! You haven’t grown four extra hands or two extra brains either. That’s why it’s crucial for all of us to walk around with a well rehearsed script of what’s we’re trying to do, what l I call a Verbalized Summary Objective Statement, or VSO.
The VSO is a script that you play to others, and to yourself, as a reminder of what you’re working on. It’s also a filter that helps you turn on – or turn off – your most important sources of information. And, it’s a statement of your output that you can use at the end of the day to check that you’re making progress. If you are, you can feel satisfaction. If you’re not, you can make an adjustment. Either of those options is preferable to just going home exhausted, vaguely wondering when you started working so hard, and why you can’t seem to stop.
Tomorrow morning, when you first get to your desk and before you start doing anything, see if you can articulate your purpose for the day, or maybe the week, in about 90 seconds. Try writing it down, or better yet, say it to yourself a few times until you’ve memorized it. Then, use your little infomercial as your blueprint for the day. Whenever you’re about to engage with information – either a source of it, or a request for it – first check the contents of your VSO, and see how that source or request aligns with what you really want to be doing. In other words, pay attention to where you invest your mental and physical effort.
Probably, like me, you’ll find that not all of what is clamoring for your attention is in line with your own priorities. Although saying “no” is never easy, it is much easier when you have a burning “yes” to focus upon instead. Now that you know where you’re trying to head, you can begin to make the difficult decisions about what not to do. From here, the rest is up to you.
Actually, I do have one more suggestion. As you go through the day sorting through information, take a moment to check your calendar. If your evening plans include a visit to my house, be sure to take my cell phone number with you.
About Edward Muzio
Edward G. Muzio is president and CEO of Group Harmonics and is the award-winning author of Four Secrets to Liking Your Work: You May Not Need to Quit to Get the Job You Want. An expert in workplace improvement and its relationship to individual enjoyment, Muzio has been featured on Fox Business Network, CBS, and other national media, and he has been cited in many publications including the New York Post, the Austin American Statesman, and Spirit magazine. He lives in Albuquerque, NM. Read more...
Schwan's Home Service Has an Open
Friday, May 14, 2010
Schwan’s Home Service holds employment open house events at more than 100 locations
(MARSHALL, MINN. — May 13, 2010) Schwan’s Home Service, Inc., the largest direct-to-home provider of frozen foods, will hold a career-day open house at more than 100 of its locations throughout the United States.
An event will be held from noon until 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 20, at the sales and distribution center.
“This is an excellent opportunity for people to learn about our business and see if they’re up for a challenging, rewarding and lucrative career as a member of our sales team,” said Charlene Powell, vice president of human resources for Schwan’s Home Service. “We are an energetic and innovative company working to enrich the lives of families throughout the United States with great food that’s easy to make.”
The company is working to recruit those interested in working in route sales positions and providing the company’s customers with high-quality services and frozen-food products.
Schwan’s Home Service, a company headquartered in Minnesota, began in 1952 as a one-man-and-a-truck business operating from Minnesota. The company has grown to become a powerhouse in the frozen-food industry, offering about 350 products under the Schwan’s® and LiveSmart® brands.
Schwan’s Home Service, Inc. is the largest direct-to-home provider of frozen foods in the United States. Home Service markets and distributes more than 350 products to millions of customers under the Schwan’s® and LiveSmart™ brands. Products include pizza, choice meats, seafood, desserts, and of course, the company’s signature ice cream. The business has nearly 500 sales-and-distribution centers located throughout the nation with approximately 5,000 propane-powered, home-delivery. For more information, visit or call 1-888-SCHWANS.
THE SCHWAN FOOD COMPANY is a privately held, multibillion-dollar business that manufactures and markets fine frozen foods through home-delivery, retail-grocery and food-service channels. Its many popular brands include Red Baron®, Tony’s®, and Freschetta® pizza, Mrs. Smith’s® and Edwards® desserts and Schwan’s® fine frozen foods. Headquartered in Marshall, Minn., the company's subsidiaries employ about 17,000 people in the United States. To learn more about Schwan, visit
Point of contact for this is Shannon Lassiter 507-537-8989
A Latte Nurses
Thursday, May 6, 2010
You know that the health industry is one of the fastest growing right now? Well, it is and it is also National Nurses Week. There are nearly 3.1 million registered nurses in the United States. And, 2.4 million of them are actively employed.
So to celebrate, wants to know why you chose to enter the nursing profession. To show our appreciation, we will choose one nurse who shares their story everyday on May 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 12th, to enjoy a latte on us (in the form of a $25 Starbucks gift card)!
All you need to do is head on over to the HCW Facebook page, "like" the page and give us a few words on why you made the decision to join the fastest growing career field in the country.
Maybe it was a relative that was saved by a nurse when you were young, maybe a family member is in the healthcare field, or maybe you just want to feel like your job is making a difference in the lives of others.
No matter the reason - We Want To Hear From You!
If you know a nurse, send them over! Show them your appreciation and maybe they'll get a latte (or 2 or 3) out of the experience. Some may even become re-engaged after reading the stories of others.
See you on Facebook. I can't wait to read the stories that inspired you. Read more...
Providing you with Career Fair- May 4th
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hey Everyone! So it has come down to the end of the week, again. It has most certainly been a long week and never thought that it would come...but it has. Thank goodness! Let's hope the weather continues to be great, although we need the rain, having a nice weather weekend would be amazing. Spend some quality time with the family, friends, or that special love one, and then start the week all over again by joining us at the career fair at Dave & Buster's in Marietta.
I am sure that you know someone that is searching for a job/career or have been searching and given up hope simply because after attending a job fair there wasn't any jobs. Seriously, we hear that alot too. Keep in mind that what you say, we listen and do our best to have companies present at the career fair event-not just schools. However, when a school is present don't overlook them just because they are a school. They too have jobs. The great thing about our career fair event and this Dave & Buster's event is that we always have jobs, we ask that at the time of the event they have jobs/positions that they are wishing to fill.
So, if you have time and been searching for a job/career then you need to be at this event and we look forward to seeing you all there! In the meantime, have a wonderful rest of the week and smile!
Atlanta, Georgia. May 4th, 2010–’s 2009 “Putting America Back to Work” job fair series matched more than 17,000 job seekers with employers., a division of Dominion Enterprises, will build upon its success with the 2010 “Hire Commitment” job fair series, hosting more than 200 hiring events in more than 50 cities nationwide. On Tuesday, May 4th, will host Atlanta’s Hire Commitment job fair at Dave & Buster’s in Marietta from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Job seekers wishing to attend are encouraged to pre-register online. Admission will be free to the public.
Participating employers from a variety of industries will seek to fill hourly positions ranging from entry-level to management positions. Some recruiters may conduct on site interviews and/or explain the steps involved in gaining employment with their company.
For more information, visit Employment Guide or contact Debi Green at 800-272-3452.
-Khon Phaxai
Atlanta's Diversity Hire Commitment 2010 Career Fair
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Are you still searching for that perfect job? That opportunity you have been waiting for? Your dream job?? We can help! It has come down to the wire and we are, once again, getting ready for our May 4th career fair at Dave & Buster's in Marietta from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. (Information provided below.)
In order to make this a successful event we are asking for your help. Please be courtesy of others at the event, dress for success, and bring plenty of resumes!
If you are a recruiter and would like to setup a table to recruit Atlanta's top talent, give us a call 800-272-3452.
Atlanta, Georgia. May 4th, 2010–’s 2009 “Putting America Back to Work” job fair series matched more than 17,000 job seekers with employers., a division of Dominion Enterprises, will build upon its success with the 2010 “Hire Commitment” job fair series, hosting more than 200 hiring events in more than 50 cities nationwide. On Tuesday, May 4th, will host Atlanta’s Hire Commitment job fair at Dave & Buster’s in Marietta from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Job seekers wishing to attend are encouraged to pre-register online. Admission will be free to the public.
Participating employers from a variety of industries will seek to fill hourly positions ranging from entry-level to management positions. Some recruiters may conduct on site interviews and/or explain the steps involved in gaining employment with their company.
For more information, visit Employment Guide or contact Debi Green at 800-272-3452.
-Khon Phaxai
Another History Repeat?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The past is something that we can not go back and change; we can’t change the past, right? I am going to say no, however, we can learn from our mistakes. Yes, I would like to agree with that saying however, who can tell me how often you have stopped, and took the time to think, “that didn’t work before, what can I do different now?” Not too many, including myself.
• Cutting school budgets
• Poor are getting poorer-hit the hardest
• We are at war, again
• Inflation (Pretty soon we’ll end up with a $500 bill.)
• Another health care reform
• Unemployment at yet another all time high
With just a few of those examples…why are we having such a crisis over this economic downturn? Maybe…nobody knows how to respond to the crisis. We all must think positive and stick together to help make it thru this hard time.
Give me your opinion and let me hear what you have to say about this crisis.
-Khon Phaxai
Economy Affects Everyone
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Politicians are all over the place right now. Every corner you turn the news covers health care, economic crisis, and to the most recent news on the death of the Schaefers. I don’t know what is occurring right now, but I have a feeling that things are about to get worse in the news/political world.
However, I choose to write this not because it has anything to do with politicians, but because it hits close to home for me. It really does hit close to home-Habersham County-a place where I was born and raised. I never paid attention to much of the media that occurred or the fact that they, Schaefer family, lives down the road in the same town. People of that status, higher on the totem pole, act like as if they are better than everyone else. It’s amazing to me to see how people live and regardless of the media, fame, or exposure they may receive they too are humans. Most tend to forget and think they are untouchable. This family, specifically Nancy, was involved in the community and acted like…normal civilians. They did not forget about the little people or worry about just making the money and not listening to the people. She stood for what she believed in and was there to make to a difference. Maybe, that is the reason why I disregarded this family from the category “higher status.”
Regardless, of what “category” or “status” you may have, it does not matter. Any amount of money that one may accumulate over time runs out and then you too, become infected by the economic disease. In the four page note that Bruce Schaefer left behind, there was a hint of financial problem…now how could that be? It goes to show that even those that are successful have problems too, they are human.
Talk to those that you know that are having problems and see if you can help. If our country can afford to help victims overseas, we can certainly afford to help our own victims.
-Khon Phaxai
Update on March 22 Job Fair at Fabulous Fox Theatre
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It was the kickoff for the AARP in collaboration with us, EmploymentGuide, and Along with the job fair were seminars on Branding Yourself and a Dress for Success Fashion Show on what to wear and what not to wear. With many different programs occurring at once, being the kickoff, everything went smoothly and with many more AARP collaborations to follow we are looking forward to better events and more attendees. AARP itself drove roughly 1200 seekers and around 1300 from EmploymentGuide…giving us a grand total of some 3000 jobseekers. Considering the weather conditions that presented itself in our spring…we deem the event a success.
As for me…What can I say? It was definitely a different experience for me. Why? Well, you probably figure that since you are reading this blog…I’ve attended job fairs. Yes, I have attended job fairs but on the other end of things, as a jobseeker. So I know how, you-the seeker, were feeling. I really hope for the 3000 jobseekers that attended that each of you got something useful out of it.
Preparing for the event was fun and required a lot of work. I give two thumbs up for those that take the time to pull together job fairs year after year. I did not realize the time and efforts involved. I have now been on the other side of the fence. I was present at the job fair. Did you stop by and see me at the Internet Café? The purpose of the whole café was to help those that needed help in searching the internet for jobs, register, upload resumes, and signing up for job alerts. It was pretty interesting. Once again, thank you for all of those that joined us.
If you have any suggestions on how we can make the next job fair, in collaboration with the AARP, or any of our job fairs a better event/environment for you…send me an email. I want to hear what you have to say…let me hear it.
Again, thank you to all of those that were present at the Fox Theatre-jobseekers, workers, helpers, vendors, media/press.
If you were not able to make it don’t fret because we are having the next job fair in Marietta at Dave & Buster’s May 4th. Followed by the August 3rd event with our very own Atlanta Dream women’s basketball team at the Philip’s Arena. We hope to see you there! Read more...
Color Me Green
Monday, March 15, 2010
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Lucky for us we don’t have much to worry about anymore, or do we? The Government back in 2006 introduced to the world the “Green Collar Job(s).” Yes, Green Collar Job(s). Have you not heard of it yet? No worries. We have the two major employment sectors that we are all aware of: Blue Collar jobs are those involved with manual labor. White Collar jobs are those salary paid jobs. Green Collar Jobs are to help clean up the environment, and control global warming. Isn’t that cool? Many would be employed and stress free by the year 2025 which we will have generated over 5 million green jobs. Although, there is still much confusion as to what makes a Green Collar job and who qualifies. Those that are a part of the Blue Collar workforce are dancing on borderline fence of Green Collar. As explained by a Democratic candidate, Phil Angelides from California, those that fall in the Blue Collar labor force like building vehicles could be a Green Collar if they are building Hybrids. Blue to Green Collar. There is still so much that needs to be explained for people to truly understand Green Collar. The best example would be Solar Power Housing; they are truly helping the environment.
In everything there is always a catch, and there is definitely a catch to Green Collar jobs. Not everyone qualifies for these jobs. That is correct. Green Collar aims to help at-risk youth, people with criminal records, the chronically unemployed and those for whom English is a second language, said Mr. McDermott an assistant to the chairman at Consortium for Worker Education (CWE). There are many that are questioning this Green Collar …is it really helping the workforce? It is unclear if Green will only benefit those of low-income or if it will improve the environment. Just keep in mind that because it is an environmentally friendly job, it doesn’t mean that it’s a stable wage job.
This is really something we need to consider…it could create millions of jobs between now and the year 2030 or really hurt us in the long run.
What is your opinion on the Green Collar? Is it really Green or just another name for Blue Collar?
-Khon Phaxai
Entrepreneur: Is It Right for You?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It may sound like a headache, indeed it could be, but if it’s your dream to own and operate a business, then by all means do so. Keep in mind that just because you are good at sells, doesn’t mean running a business is for you.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Now, think about a few months from now; clear blue sky, radio on, sun shining in and windows up with the A/C blasting. Wow, do you really want to be out then especially in The Car, after a long days work?
It’s such a hard decision to make and we can argue about it all day long because…we all have an opinion, some more than others. Seriously, for those that commute to work, like I do, could you bare it? How far is too far to commute for work? There are more people commuting to work now, of course more than ever because of all the expansions: highways, interstates, suburbs, etc. I think that it has practically, become Mandatory to commute to work. By the word, ‘commute’ I don’t just mean jumping in your car, on your motorcycle and what not but even the bus, Marta, taxi; it’s all a form of commuting. In the case of automobiles it also causes pollution, but I’m not talking about that today. I want to know how you feel about commuting to work.
Atlanta has one of the worse traffics in the nation and we spend most of our grown up life in the car, how sad is that? We don’t realize it, but we do. Ranking first on the list for wasting time in the vehicle is, Los Angeles. Second, of course is Atlanta. So tell me how much longer you’re willing to sacrifice your life in the nations second ranked cities. How far is too far of a commute?
-Khon Phaxai
Monday, March 1, 2010
On the way in to work this morning while sitting in traffic and listening to the radio a certain word struck interest to me, “Capitalism.” This led me to my topic, Capitalism. Do we all know what the meaning of this word is or where it originated from? Not many have a clue. You may be asking yourself, “What relevance does this have to do with work or the economy?” Truth in the matter, those that are in the business world knows it has a lot to do with how the world functions.
March 22nd Job Fair at Fox Theatre
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Are you ready to join us? We are a little more than a month out right now for the first Atlanta job fair this year brought to you by Atlanta Employment Guide. This event we will be held at the most wonderful Fox Theatre. If you have never been inside this place, which I have not, then come and join us, March 22nd. Companies present will be looking to hire, you may even be one of the few and lucky to interview on the spot and land a job...wouldn't that be awesome? So, tell me why you wouldn't want that to happen for you if you are in route of a new job or career.
Employers/Recruiters if you are interested in attending and/or like a booth for this event you should go and register. Keep in mind that if you sign up by February 28th you will receive 10% off...hurry the 28th is coming up quickly, next week! Wanting to attend more than one event? That is not a problem, here is a list of dates for the job fair in Atlanta.
Reaching out to the community and helping better the economy....Let Us Be Your Guide!
-Khon Phaxai
Job Snippets
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Have you been keeping up with the market lately? All the changes that are/have been occuring? The Employment Guide took on changes too. If you have been picking up the publication every week for the last few months, have you noticed the Job Snippets? This week (February 8-14,2010), you can find over 100 job openings! What does that mean for you? And how does Snippets work?
2010 Metro Atlanta Job Fairs
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
It’s that time of the year again and we are to ready to kickoff this year with wonderful events. Are you ready? Don’t let the market get you down and running, when we have job fairs…there are jobs!
Let Us Be Your Guide, and WE become their Guide!